As I sit in my uncle's gated community in Florida it becomes apparent that I am experiences some "re-entry" shock, similar to that I suppose my students are facing. I believe that we all grew in the past month and shared an experience more genuine than most people could imagine. I never would have guessed that saying goodbye to my studnets and co-instructors would be the biggest challenge I faced on the trip (followed closely by jumping off the balcony into Lake Atitlan). I feel grateful to know that when faced with these challenges I was not alone and will not be in the future when I continue to grow from them.
For the past year I have carried around the following quote in my wallet, just as a reminder of what I wish to strive for in life, "Happiness is mostly a byproduct of doing what makes you feel fullfilled". Throughout the past month I feel as though I have found this happiness and fullfillment. What an incredible feeling to do what you are passionate about while constantly being challened and supported by an amazing group of intelligent students and genuine friends. You have all taught and given me so much, including hope for the future of our world. May your bright, positive energy shine for years to come! As you all know I am here for you anytime you need, as a member of the Dragons community, as a teacher, as a mentor, and as a friend.