Have you seen the Seinfeld where George gets fired from his job and decides that instead of seeking other employment he would rather enjoy a "summer of George" which consists of watching tv, eating junk food, and doing whatever he feels like? After being home for about 2 months, not finding a job and not really feeling like working anyways George Castanza is my inspiration. I have deemed this the "The Summer of Paco". The good life started at home skiing, eating good food and seeing lots of great friends. It continued with a road trip with my friend Michelle, skiing, hiking, climbing and biking in NM, UT and CO. In Boulder I visited some good friends from college and then made my way back to Oregon and arrived just in time for a beautiful sunny weekend of climbing at Smith Rock. Since then I have got some skiing, biking climbing and quality time with friends in.
I have filled out job application after application and realize I am not really qualified to do much of anything, or at least other people who have spent much more time in the "real world" are more qualified than I. The only "job" I have come across is babysitting two days a week (I guess I am qualified to hang out with kids). I decided to be happy with the two days of work a week and enjoy my time off because I deserve it after working on Korea for a year. The first time I said this out loud I realized how ridiculous it sounds since most normal people work for many years straight without a break...but I guess I'm just not a normal person. You may be wondering, how can you have a "Summer of Paco" on no income? Well that's where the blueberry farm comes in. I am planning on working for about 6 weeks during blueberry season on a friends farm, hopefully doing some translating for migrant workers and whatever else it is you do on a blueberry farm.
Then the "Summer of Paco" will continue, my friend Colleen and I are planning on hiking the Washington section of the PCT in August. If everything goes as planned I will start grad school in the Fall. Maybe then I will be qualified to get a job, if not at least I will have a masters and feel like I should be employable, or at the very least I will feel more accomplished.
hola.. soy de argentina... soy Daniela y me gustaria si pasaras por mi blog que es asi: elmagicomundodedanni.blogspot.com
The Summer of Paco sure sounds like a lot more fun than the Summer of Marko - 17 years straight working without a break. I was definitely born a generation or two too early.....
Cousin Mickey (Marko) - 43 today and beginning the major mid-life crisis.
Damn, those are some good photos, I especially like the one of you climbing the Marsupials with the river and the park in the background.
Way to update and continue the blog experience.
WooHoo to Summer/Still-Winter-in-Oregon of Paco! We are going to rock the PCT!
...So, I was thinking that if the PCT is still reaaaaallly snowy in August, then we could do the John Muir Trail. Supposedly the hardest trail in the US, with the last day being 30 miles, including a summit and descent of Mt. Whitney. Whatdaya think?
i am kind of offended that i didn't get an email telling me about this new wonderful blog. i had to hear about it from someone else. i guess we are no longer DLPs... mmmm... i'm still creepy.
i am kind of offended that i didn't get an email telling me about this new wonderful blog. i had to hear about it from someone else. i guess we are no longer DLPs... mmmm... i'm still creepy.
Only creepy because you posted the same comment twice.....
Summer of Paco sounds great...you'll be working hard enough come Fall! Sure was wonderful to see you in Taos!
Luv ya! -Elaine
PS THANKS for continuing the bloggin'
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